Cold calling is a tried and true way to reach customers. The BellesLink Contact Dialer makes calling a list of contacts easy. But how to do you get the most from those conversations?

In this webinar product manager Jeff Mason and CEO Paul Kulas demonstrate how you can use contact tags, reminders, and notes in the BellesLink sales dialer to get more from your cold call conversations.


Every place in BellesLink that you work with contact records, you can save a note to document a conversation or work done. This includes when working in a contact record, sending texts, or making calls. Notes are saved back to the contact record and are visible in the Notes tab on the right side of the contact screen.

A contact record screen in the BellesLink skip tracing platform.

Calling and texting from inside a contact record is a fast and easy way to make quality contacts and keep track of your results.

Working with Contact Records

This video tutorial will give you overview of how to work with contact records to add information and save notes.


Tags are customizable labels you create for your contacts based on what’s important for you to know. While you can filter and search contact details, tags let you add unique labels to organize your contacts to match the way you work.

When making cold calls, you can add tags to a contact to help you organize the result of your work after the call.

A contact tags screen in the BellesLink skip tracing platform.

Tags on contacts

Contact Tags Overview

This video tutorial will give you a complete overview of all the ways you can organize contacts with tags.

Task Reminders

When you’re finding and contacting customers there are always lots of ToDo items. BellesLink has task reminders to help you and your team manage your work.

When you’re making cold calls, you can set reminders for follow-ups with contacts. Reminders can be set while on a live call and can be saved to a contact, a group, or as a general reminder in your account.

Reminders in the BellesLink skip tracing platform.

Task reminders to help you manage your skip tracing work. Set a reminder anytime you're working with a contact record or contact group.

Task Reminders Overview

This video tutorial will give you a complete overview of all the ways you can use task reminders to manage your team and your work.