Author: Jeff Mason

When we talk about sales dialer return on investment or sales dialer ROI, we’re not just looking at how many leads, deals, or sales came from your calls. We are also looking at the efficiency of your calls and how much time you don’t waste doing things manually, that you could automatically. Call dispositions are…

Salesdialers are popular with businesses that have big teams who make lots of calls because they save time by eliminating number dialing and manual voicemails. Smaller teams can save time, too, but it requires a different dialer solution. How salesdialers fit small businesses is a question of both dialer features and calling approach. Sales Dialers…

Across all the different types of businesses that call phone numbers, what do you think is the most effective way to contact potential customers? Is it a robo-call, a ringless voicemail, a text, a phone call, or something else? If you picked the good, old-fashioned cold call, you are right. In fact cold calling still…

A batch search sales dialer might sound like an odd combination to you, but I guarantee it makes perfect sense. Businesses who use batch search aren’t looking for good phone numbers, they are actually looking for good conversations with people who might become their customers. Of course, cold calling is the way most of those…

You might not realize it at first but, having the right options for a batch search export saves you a lot of time and hassle. If the format of your batch search results is good, you can get to work immediately and begin contacting your leads. But, if the format of the data is bad,…

Sometimes BellesLink publishes a batch search coupon code which will give you an awesome discount on the price pay for batch searches. Here’s a quick tutorial on how to apply a coupon code when you upload your batch list. If you’re not getting our promo codes, sign for a free account today.