Author: Jeff Mason

It’s been a while since we’ve done a BellesLink Batch Search Overview, so in this post, we’ll review the basic how-to’s and give you some tips for getting the best results. Watch the video then read the post for extra resources on batch file setup, searching businesses, LLCs, and family trusts. Let’s get started by…

The BellesLink Basic Plan is a pay-as-you-go subscription that’s great for businesses who only need Batch Search or who are just getting started using public records data. In this overview, we’ll take a look at the features that are included and how you can use them for people search. When you log into your account,…

This past week I’ve felt a mix of emotions about the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on our country and the world. Those emotions have definitely shown up in the tunes that landed in this week’s playlist. Iris DeMent’s romp, Trouble, hits with the certainty of the blues we all know during difficult times and…

Throughout my life, music has always been the thing I turn to. When life is good, music helps me celebrate the moment. When things are tough, music lifts me up and gives me hope. If you’re like me, your life has a soundtrack that tells the story of your ups and downs, hopes and worries,…

Sales dialers save you time by eliminating the need to physically dial phone numbers. But there is another feature of BellesLink’s Contact Dialer that will save you even more time, and give your cold-call game a huge boost, voicemail drop messages. Voicemail drop messages are a sales dialer super power. What is a Voicemail Drop?…

If you have a business that uses cold calling as a way to contact customers, you should be using a sales dialer to make your calls. Why? It will save you time and make your workflow more efficient. Choose wisely though. Your sales dialer should not be an autodialer. Auto-dialing, predictive-dialing, and agent-assisted dialing are…