How to Find LLC Owners with Business and People Searches

A person using a laptop to learn how to find LLC owners using business and people searches
Many of BellesLink customers are real estate investors who like to use batch people searches to find phone numbers for property owners. Many of the properties investors are searching are owned by a limited liability company. Limited liability companies, or LLCs, can’t be searched through a batch process. So, how to find LLC owners using public records data? It’s a question we’re asked quite often. Keep reading to learn the answer.

How to Find LLC Owners

LLCs can be searched using a combination, or stack, individual searches, such as a business search plus a people search. It can be challenging to find the owner of an LLC. It can take some detective work.

In this post I’m going to show you how to find LLC owners by stacking searches together in order to find a good phone number for the registered agent of the business. The registered agent is the contact person listed with the business’s local Sec. of State. This person is often an officer or the owner of the LLC. If they are not, they can potentially put you in touch with the LLC owner.

To find the organizing members of an LLC, the LLC owners, instead of finding the registered agent, you will have to look up the LLC’s articles of organization with the office of the Sec. of State in the state the business was formed. In most states this can be done through the local Sec. of State website. More on that later in the post.

LLC Business Search Stack

To find the owner of an LLC you’re going to stack two searches, a business search and a people search. Stacking searches means you’re going to use the results of one search to provide the information you input into the next search.

In BelleLink you’ll stack these two searches.

    1. Premium Property Search: using the business name and property address
    2. Premium People Search: using the name of the registered agent


LLC Owner Search Example

Here’s an example of how we do an LLC search using BellesLink.

Search 1 – Premium Business Search
If you’re a real estate investor searching for a property owner who is an LLC, search on the business name and address of the property. In this example the business name is Smith Properties LLC and the property address is 37 North Marion Street, Denver, CO. This information is fictitious and for our example only.

Image showing how to use a business search to find LLC owners

Search 2 – Premium People Search
The business search result will include the name of the registered agent. This person is often an officer of the company. If the registered agent’s name is linked you will get the option to do a people search from the action menu. When the name is linked it means our database has a record for that individual.

Using a business search to learn how to find LLC owners

The people search results will include the phone, email, and address information you need to make contact with the registered agent and property owner.

Image showing people search result for an LLC owner search

Tip: Look for the property address in the address history and property record sections of the registered agent’s people search results. It a green flag that you’ve found the right person.


No Database Record for the Registered Agent

If the registered agents name is not linked in the business search result it means we do not have a database record of that person at the address used in the business search. In this case, the property address.

Image show how to find LLC owners when the registered agent name isn't linked.

The address history of the business record will show an additional address. Use this business address and the registered agent’s name to a people search.

Image showing people search inputs for an LLC owner search

If you see the property address in the in the address history and property record sections of the people search results that’s a good sign you’ve found the right person.

Image showing people search result for an LLC owner search

Finding LLC Owners Through the Sec. of State Website

If you were unable to find a phone number for the registered agent, or the registered agent was a dead end, you may still be able to find the LLC owner by searching the business’s local Sec. of State website. Here’s a list of all the Sec of State websites with links to their search tools.

Searching for the business entity on the Sec. of State website will give you less information than a BellesLink search. Instead you’ll want to search for the LLC’s article of organization if it’s available. The articles of organization will list the names of all the organizing members of the LLC. These names can be used in a people search. Access to this information varies by state.

LLC Owner Search

Use the names you find in the articles of organization, along with the business address or property address as the inputs for a Premium People Search. The search results will include phone numbers, addresses, and emails for that person.

Again, look for the property address in the in the address history and property record sections of the people search results. This is a good indicator you’ve found the right person to contact.

Stack LLC Searches

The search stacking method works great with BellesLink because our linked data gives you immediate access to the next search through the fly-out action menu. This works with any hyperlinked name, address, or phone number in a BellesLink search result. You can also stack searches, even when the data isn’t linked, by manually inputting information into the next search.

A Little Detective Work is All it Takes

When you’re looking for a current phone number to make contact with a property owner, people are much easier to search than businesses. To find LLC owners it takes a little bit of detective work. But it can be worth the effort.