Export your contacts, groups, and activity for use with other apps

The work you do in BellesLink is not stuck in BellesLink. Whether it’s for ensuring compliance, tracking performance, or team collaboration, you can export the data you need. Searches, contacts, contact groups, notes, call and text activity can all be exported so you can use your data with other applications. Exports in a CSV file format makes your data compatible with most business systems.

Export people search results

Batch Search and People Search results can be exported as well formatted CSV files. Batch Search export options let you output your data without spreadsheet hassles. Data-rich People Search results can be exported from the Contact Manager. Search result export is easy in BellesLink.

Take your work with you

The BellesLink people search platform can be an essential part of your business workflow. Import a list, enrich your contacts with new data, make calls and send texts. Your contact data and the customer conversations can be easily exported for use in other parts of your business.

It’s easy to export contacts

If you’re using Batch Search to append good data to your list and enriching your contacts with current information, your BellesLink contact records may be your most up-to-date. You can share the information inside an individual contact record with your other business systems. An export of a contact record will include name, contact IDs, and tags, phone numbers with opt-ins, alias, types and status, addresses, emails, and custom fields.

Keep your notes

All the notes you make are saved to a contact record so you always know the work that has been done. You can export your notes to a clean, formatted CSV file.

Track your activity

You can export the call and text activity with an individual contact from the Activity panel in the contact record. Contact activity includes both inbound and bound calls and texts.

Export contact groups

In the Contact Manager, contact groups help you organize your work. Groups also help you organize the work you export from BellesLink. When exporting a contact group you can choose to export the contact records or the call and text activity.

Export a group of contact records

Like exporting individual contact records, and group export of contact records includes all the contact information: name, contact IDs, and tags, phone numbers with opt-ins, alias, types and status, addresses, emails, and custom fields for each record in the group. This is the best way to transfer a group of contacts into your other business systems.

Export group activity

If you want to analyze you call and text performance for a contact group, you can export the group activity. Like exporting the activity of an individual contact, the export will include all the inbound and outbound calls and texts.

Export call activity

The Call Activity screen is a log of all your incoming and outgoing calls, missed calls, voicemails, and call recordings. You can export your call data to evaluate how many calls of each type occurred within a given period of time. When combined with sales data, this can be a useful way to track call performance. Before you export your calls activity, you can use filters for name, number, call type, and dates to choose the calls you want.

Export batch and people searches

The most used BellesLink exports are for Batch Search and People Searches. Our people search platform is made to help your business get fast, accurate search results and put the data to work.

Export your batch search results with ease

BellesLink has easy export options for Batch Search results. You can export just your new, appended data, which is helpful if you’re going to add it to another system such as Salesforce or Podio. You can also export your new data merged into your original, uploaded spreadsheet. Merging data on your own can be difficult, so this saves you a ton of time and hassle.

Finally, you can export the contact group you made when you imported your search results into the Contact Manager. This can include your contact activity including calls, texts, notes, opt-ins, and more.

Export People Search results

Exporting People Search results is easy, using the Contact Manager. From every People Search, such as a Reverse Number Search, you can create a contact record from the search result. This will save the data in the search result (names, phone numbers, addresses, emails) into a neatly formatted contact record. Export the contact record into a CSV spreadsheet of the all the contact information.

BellesLink exports work for small business

BellesLink exporting features make it easy to use your people search work with other business applications for compliance, tracking performance, or team collaboration. The work you do in BellesLink is not stuck in BellesLink. As you append and enrich your contacts with current information you can keep your other business systems up to date. To get started with BellesLink and begin using people search data, checkout our Basic, Pro, and Business plans.